From The Zeus News Wire: King Of The Beach Unphased By TS Fay
The Golden Lion Rode It Out Like A Seasoned Champion
Flagler Beach, Florida
Zeus News
There are a few things that have been spotted frequently at the Golden Lion in Flagler Beach, Florida. Dolphins, bikinis, satisfied customers, Whale Watchers, even chickens in the courtyard! In 16 years of business there have been plenty of tropical storms, hurricanes, nor'easters, and even sub-tropical lows. This reporter can say with almost 100% certainty that in all that time the Golden Lion has never been in the "eye" of any storm.

Yesterday, in a long period of eerie calm, the eye of Tropical Storm Fay passed directly over the top of Flagler Beach's favorite restaurant. Initial claims that it was raining everywhere except the Golden Lion have been refuted. In actuality, ALL of Flagler Beach was included in the lull. It was indeed only a temporary reprieve, Late Thursday night, Flagler County received more rain and wind as the "backside" of the storm passed by. Most locals have said the "backside" of the storm dumped more rain than the main part of the storm. When reached for comment, Zeus (the Lion who stands guard every day in front of the restaurant) just stared off across the beach.

The Golden Lion closed Wednesday night and all day Thursday. After staying closed Friday morning for cleanup, it is business as usual tonight (August 22) and for the rest of the weekend with live music by Rob Peck, The Half Fast Band, and Joe Atti.
On Saturday night, join the crew of the Golden Lion in a "Kiss Fay's Backside Goodbye" party, featuring live music by the Half Fast Band, hurricanes by the glass or pitcher, and a delicious Caribbean Spiced Salmon entree with pineapple mango salsa and coconut curry rice.
Flagler Beach, Florida
Zeus News
There are a few things that have been spotted frequently at the Golden Lion in Flagler Beach, Florida. Dolphins, bikinis, satisfied customers, Whale Watchers, even chickens in the courtyard! In 16 years of business there have been plenty of tropical storms, hurricanes, nor'easters, and even sub-tropical lows. This reporter can say with almost 100% certainty that in all that time the Golden Lion has never been in the "eye" of any storm.

Yesterday, in a long period of eerie calm, the eye of Tropical Storm Fay passed directly over the top of Flagler Beach's favorite restaurant. Initial claims that it was raining everywhere except the Golden Lion have been refuted. In actuality, ALL of Flagler Beach was included in the lull. It was indeed only a temporary reprieve, Late Thursday night, Flagler County received more rain and wind as the "backside" of the storm passed by. Most locals have said the "backside" of the storm dumped more rain than the main part of the storm. When reached for comment, Zeus (the Lion who stands guard every day in front of the restaurant) just stared off across the beach.

The Golden Lion closed Wednesday night and all day Thursday. After staying closed Friday morning for cleanup, it is business as usual tonight (August 22) and for the rest of the weekend with live music by Rob Peck, The Half Fast Band, and Joe Atti.
On Saturday night, join the crew of the Golden Lion in a "Kiss Fay's Backside Goodbye" party, featuring live music by the Half Fast Band, hurricanes by the glass or pitcher, and a delicious Caribbean Spiced Salmon entree with pineapple mango salsa and coconut curry rice.
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