Live Music This Weekend:
Fri Jul 30 6pm-10pm Joe Atti & Friends Classic Rock
Sat Jul 31 6pm-10pm Rattleshake Classic Rock Duo
Sun Aug 1 1pm-5pm Paul Schandler Acoustic Rock
First Friday: August 6 is the Flagler Beach First Friday festivities. Come on over to the beach for country music and the 4th Annual Flagler Beach Grill-Off!
Joe Atti
The inclusion of talented musician friends in his performances fits Joe's personality well. The mini-jam sessions add spontaneity and energy to each unique performance. The audiences, in turn, is treated to a variety of local talent. Thus... Joe Atti And Friends.
Joe's "fake book" consists of about 500 songs running the alphabetic gamut from America to Zeppelin. And in between you'll find all your favorites of the '60's and '70's including tunes by artists like James Taylor, Neil Young, Marshall Tucker, Pink Floyd, John Prine, and Simon and Garfunkle.
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Just a reminder that we hold music tryouts on Monday nights. We have discovered many new acts this way and look forward to finding more. Call 439-3004 to schedule your tryout!
Looking for a great spot to host your meeting or group? The Golden Lion is a family-friendly venue right on the beach. We will create a custom menu for you, or check out our catering menu online at Email us at or phone us at 439-3004.
Dem Say it is the way to go, so Zeus has gone web 2.0!!! Zeus has had a page on myspace for a while, but has recently expanded his reach. Visit the Golden Lion on facebook, myspace, and twitter! Are you a fan of blogs? Subscribe to Zeus News to get the inside scoop!